lunedì 31 ottobre 2011

lunedì 24 ottobre 2011

mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011

giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

Makeover Day

Truth is, the world is full of helpless people.
You know, giving to the junkies. You can't help them. That's the reason why we chosen to help those who can make it on their own. We've been going around friday during the fashion week, looking for something strict, well-dressed people with no effort,  not like layers and layers of fabric and brands and opulence. No. T-shirt and trousers well putted together is all we needed and we can tell you, it was more challenging then what we expected. 
So we found some people, gave them the tees, photographed some of them, and here they are, our babies with their fantastic makeovers.

La verità è che ci sono persone senza speranza.
Le perle ai porci, insomma. Non se ne fanno nulla. è questa la ragione per la quale abbiamo deciso di aiutare chi "ce la può fare" da solo. Abbiamo passato tutto il venerdi della fashion week a cercare qualcosa di molto preciso, gente vestita bene ma senza troppo impegno, non strati e strati di stoffe e brand e ricercatezza e ostentazione. No. T-shirt e pantaloni tirati insieme erano tutto quello di cui avevamo bisogno e possiamo assicurare che è stato più complesso del previsto.
Quindi abbiamo fermato un po' di gente, dato delle magliette, fotografato alcuni, ed ecco i nostri pupilli con i loro fantastici makeover:



Much better, ha?
other photos after the jump
altre foto dopo il salto

martedì 4 ottobre 2011

Mina Ferma e Composta - Azioni Catartiche

You know Mina.
You've seen her in Awakening, she's been helping out a lot to keep the blog together, tumblr wise. 
She is a cool kid, always working on something interesting, from home made t-shirts to art projects. And there is a project going on since the last couple of years, "Azioni Catartiche".
Body art with a technology twist to it, divided in acts (two, for now), black and white self portraits with organic texture.
So here is her work, out twist to it, answered (or not) questions, (unwritten) to-do list.

Thesselle: Where did you study?
Mina Ferma e Composta: Art School "Andrea Sabatini" (Salerno). Actually in Politecnico di Milano.

T: What is your occupation at the moment?
M: Fighting boredom.

T: What do you usually drink?
M: White russian.

T: Did you have a trauma?
M:  ...

T: What is it your addiction?
M: cigarettes and trichlorethylene.

T: Your favorite place?
M: None

T: A song suggestion?
M: The XX, Client, Aucan, Cristal fighters, Have a nice life, New candys, Verdena, Marie antoinette, I Cani 
(last months playlist).

T: A song that really turns you off?
M: "Fa-fa-fa" from Datarock (way to many suffering awakenings)

T: The most relevant book you read in the last year?
M: "Invisible monsters" from Palahniuk and "Elogio della disarmonia" from Dorfles.

T: Sweet or salty?
M: Salty

Mina's 10 things-to-do list:
Never had it. Just the thought of having one would cause way to much anxiety. In the priorities there certainly 
is to create a Third Act, move in another city and start over.

Here her Tumblr, with suggestions and inspiration.

more photo and italian after the jump
altre foto e in italiano dopo il salto

lunedì 3 ottobre 2011

Yougo, 18

Yougo,  18

about: from France, photographer
project: make photo in USA, I don't have project. Drink beer and vodka.
masterpiece: panties, Union Jack flag

domenica 2 ottobre 2011

Alie, 23

Alie, 23
about: from France, fashion editor for THAT MAG.
project: my magazine.
masterpiece: dress - Erdem


about: from Munich, fashion blogger for Styleclicker.
project: be a father soon

su di me: da Monaco, fashion blogger per Styleclicker.
progetto: diventerò papà a breve