venerdì 29 aprile 2011


After writing about it, the “list of stuff to do” has been hunting us. Determined to appear in every conversation, even just to be mentioned, it has been bouncing between the two of us for days, in need to be vented, butchered and revolted in real life, just like a dream keeps coming back until you face it in reality.

So we decided to incorporate, every now and then, some space for it, defining the voices, those fatidic things, the stuff to do before the years pass by leaving no notice.
So this time we will talk about

- skating

Not that we never actually got on a plank. I guess we could say we wanted to go deeper, we wanted to be one of these kids who grinds and does tricks but we were lazy. 
We still are.
Plus, you need to get over the fear of falling. Because if you want to be good at it, you will leave elbows and knees on the ground, or at least the skin upon them. The asphalt dig trough your flesh aiming for the joints if you're determined to become a pro. You know you are one when the crusts get better.
But most of the people doesn't put enough effort and gives up, just for the fear of falling. Of being hurt, even if it's only superficial.
In fact, we've been sitting on the ground all afternoon, taking picture of those who are willing to be hurt, in front of the central station. We are perfectly aware of the fact that we're not gonna pursuit skating, not today, not tomorrow.

So we're just gonna draw a line on this voice.

in Italian after the jump:

martedì 26 aprile 2011

venerdì 22 aprile 2011

giovedì 21 aprile 2011



"Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to go
They're ready to go now they got their surfboards
And they're going to the discotheque Au Go Go

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

domenica 17 aprile 2011


in abeyance / Sospesi

Livio ( shades - Rayban, top - F.R.A.V., trousers - Diesel, boots - Zara)
Sonia (jacket - Zara, necklace - Flamingo, t-shirt - F.R.A.V., skirt - H&M, tights - Calzedonia, boots - Fornarina)

Caro falegname d’ERA,
Te lo grida stridente la croce di esistere,
Te lo grida scivolosa la croce di due pavimenti,
Te lo grida strisciando la croce d’aedi andati,
Te lo grida IO.

Amico, Fratello, Soldato,
te la culla l’alfiere d’arpa l’oscena fretta dei padri,
Frigna dolore.

Sei la croce vera delle aspettative di una generazione venduta,
Sei la croce vanagloriosa di sistema e amore,
Sei la croce viva di velocità e ferita,
TU sei le tue croci.

Te lo sgrida la croce di Nanto

Pier ( knitwear - Stylist's own, trousers - 55dsl, shoes - Doctor Martens )

martedì 12 aprile 2011

domenica 10 aprile 2011


jackets - F.R.A.V.

End of the lethargy - Fine del letargo

fur - vintage, dress and tights - H&M


E se di te
non si compisse un
vuoto, ma l'azione
di riempirsi,
se di te non si
manifestasse un dopo
ma l'immanenza,
sarebbe questo
non di cielo,
ma di carne
essere sarebbe stare,
non attendere
ma lasciarsi aspettare

jacket - Banana Republic vintage, t-shirt and hat - H&M, trousers - Hells Bells, shoes - Doctor Martens


I nostri soggiorni terreni
e non altra rinuncia
che quella di compiersi,
i nostri soggiorni di accolta
la parola "rimani".
Se siamo è per misura
e il corpo è misura
-è freddo è specie diacronica-
passiva di ciò ci sopravviverà.

giovedì 7 aprile 2011

Tommaso, 19

met in Milan, near Duomo.
master piece: jacket - vintage bought in London
project: "Free drink, do I ask for too much?"

mercoledì 6 aprile 2011

Cristiana, 20

meet in Milan, near Duomo

master piece: Bolero - Humana
project: "Survive"


Being young equals being bored.
It's algebraic.

You don't ever have enough money or drive or fucus to actually do anything in the long list of "stuff you wanna do".
I't in between the twelve and the thirty-something years old, and after that you realize those which should have been your best years just passed by, without any attempt to draw a line on whatever on that damn list.

T H E   L I S T   O F   S T U F F   T O   D O

- Like, food fight.
- Like, mad trips toward no clear destination.
- Like,  bungee jumping.

we chose to draw a line on:
- pass more time in front of the computer (cause it just wasn't enough)

and also:
- stop judging if you can't prove all your being like "I would have done it a lot better"

and actually show the world that maybe it's not all that better, but at least it's interesting.

Or, we hope so.

in italian after the jump.

limbo - teaser

Is where you're going but you are not quite there yet.

È dove stai andando ma non ancora.